5 Keys to Getting Better Sleep

You’ve heard you need eight hours of sleep a night, right? While this is a reasonable rule of thumb, it isn’t exact. Everyone’s personal body clock is different and some people need more than eight while others can function on less. However, if at any time during the day you feel sleepiness affecting your ability to work or ability to function, you are not getting enough sleep. Here are a few tips to help you get enough sleep and stay more productive on the job.

You’ve heard you need eight hours of sleep a night, right? While this is a reasonable rule of thumb, it isn’t exact. Everyone’s personal body clock is different and some people need more than eight while others can function on less. However, if at any time during the day you feel sleepiness affecting your ability to work or ability to function, you are not getting enough sleep. Here are a few tips to help you get enough sleep and stay more productive on the job.

  1. Go to Bed and Get Up at the Same Times Every Day

    People with good sleep cycles go to bed at the same time each night and wake up at the same time each morning. This has been proven effective for generations.

  2. Spend as Much Time in Daylight as Possible

    Many people who have sleep problems don’t get enough exposure to sunlight at the right times of the day. Get outside as much as you can, especially in the morning.

  3. Don’t Consume Caffeine or Alcohol Close to Bedtime

    Caffeine is a stimulant so it can make falling asleep difficult. Alcohol is a depressant but it’s still not recommended as a sleep aid. Eating food can also disrupt your sleep as your body concentrates on digestion rather than rest.

  4. Create a Calming Sleep Routine

    Before going to bed at night, establish some rituals that can help you sleep. Stop watching television for an hour or so before bed. Read a book with the lights dimmed. Use lavender to make your room relaxing.

  5. Get a Comfortable Mattress

    Of course, none of this will be effective if your sleep is disrupted due to an uncomfortable mattress. Determine whether firm or soft works for you and make a good investment.

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